What to Expect on your First Visit to a Chiropractor

If you have never visited a chiropractor before, it’s natural to be apprehensive and wonder what the appointment might involve. Lots of people visit a chiropractor, from athletes and office workers to pensioners and new mothers. Whether you’ve been referred from a GP or booked privately through insurance, the experience will be the same.

First Chiropractic Visit

If you’re thinking about booking your first appointment, read on to find out what you can expect on your first visit to a Chiropractor.

A general health assessment

A chiropractor is a trained medical professional, so they will want to understand your medical history and current health concerns before recommending any treatment. You may be asked questions about your general health and lifestyle which could help identify the causes of any pain you are experiencing. This general consultation will only be carried out on the first visit, to help establish an overall picture of your history and what is wrong.

A physical examination\"physical

In order to establish the cause of the problem, the chiropractor will then carry out a physical examination. You may be asked to remove some clothing for the examination but it’s nothing to be worried about. They will perform a range of tests to inspect your posture and range of movement, and may also carry out other tests such as blood pressure to rule out certain conditions.

Referral for further tests

In some cases, if the chiropractor needs to investigate your symptoms further they may recommend more tests or scans. This will all be explained to you by the chiropractor, including the reasons why you should have an X-ray or MRI scan.

Recommended treatment\"child

At this stage, the chiropractor should have a good idea of what is causing the issue and a range of treatment options and techniques which could help relieve the symptoms. A care plan, including the type of chiropractic treatment and frequency of appointments will be discussed. The cost of the treatment will also be available upfront to help you decide if you want to go ahead.

Once you’ve agreed the care plan and signed the written consent to begin treatment, the first session of manual therapy can begin straight away. As part of the care plan, you will also be given lifestyle advice and exercises you can do at home.

If for any reason the chiropractor believes chiropractor treatment won’t help you, then they will explain why and refer you to the appropriate medical professional such as a GP or specialist.

Book your first visit to Canary Wharf Chiropractic today.
